First, after printing, an effective anti-counterfeiting packaging method

The usual packaging and decoration printing is carried out before packaging. That is, the packaging is printed first, and then the goods are packaged. This gives criminals the opportunity to make fake and fake traffic. They made illegal profits by manufacturing a large number of fake trademarks, fake packaging boxes, and even fake security labels, resulting in the loss of the national economy. Printing anti-counterfeiting experts have long raised the issue of counterfeiting of anti-counterfeiting products and the development and production of comprehensive anti-counterfeiting products.
As a matter of fact, we analyze the reasons for counterfeiting and false-trafficking. Traditional packaging and decoration printing, whether direct printing or indirect printing, requires the participation of printing companies. As a result, poor management results in the loss of packaging materials and provides opportunities for fraudulent manufacturers to make fakes. . It is a simple and effective anti-counterfeiting packaging method that the printing is first packaged inside the product manufacturer.
The post-printing process begins with the packaging of the goods and then prints them, adding special requirements to the location of the printing. For example, the outermost layer is covered with a film and printed on the film. When the consumer uses the product, the integrity of the old packaging is also destroyed at the same time as the packaging is destroyed, so that the packaging can no longer be used. In order to achieve the effect of anti-counterfeiting.
A class of destructible material is a heat shrinkable film or other shrink film. Most of these shrink films are used after the packaging process. If printing is performed after these film packaged goods are undoubtedly used, the packaging is It will be completely destroyed, so it has a better anti-counterfeiting effect. The pattern or text is printed on the shrink film after packaging. When the box is opened, the shrink film is first to be destroyed, the integrity of the pattern or text is also destroyed, the old packaging cannot be reused, and the printing is blocked in the factory. Loopholes in packaging and logistics.
Post-printing equipment generally uses ink jet printers because it is a non-contact printing process that does not require excessively high levels of packaging. At present, four-color ink-jet printers have been able to complete ordinary printing operations. Satisfactory results can be achieved from printing speed to printing color quality. The price of laser lithography machines is higher than that of ink jet printers. Because no ink is used, the print marks are clear, long-lasting, and are not easily erased. They have a good marking effect on various packaging materials. It is a non-contact printing method for packaging materials. The surface quality is not high enough to print high quality products even on rough surfaces. Hot stamping machines are suitable for labels or seals with a small area of ​​post-printing tasks.
In short, we can consider the printing equipment, printing materials, packaging design, printing process and other aspects in order to receive a good anti-counterfeit printing effect. (From "China Packaging News," Zhang Jian, 2000.11.14)

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