Barrier membranes that block oxygen and are easily recycled to replace nylon

On June 14, Nova Chemicals officially announced the development of a flexible membrane structure. The film is able to block oxygen, is very easy to recover, and can replace other barrier films that rely on vinyl alcohol, ethylene, or nylon. The new structure can be produced in conventional multi-layer blown film lines and then made into other flexible packaging products.

The company claims that its new film structure can effectively block oxygen in cheese, nuts, meat and other food packaging. Mike Cappelli, Nova's food packaging marketing manager, said that the new film structure can replace other barrier films that rely on vinyl alcohol, vinyl, or nylon.

Mike said in a telephone interview that the structure contains a new type of resin that has not yet been disclosed. The resin has certain protection properties and standard stiffness. The new structure can be produced in conventional multi-layer blown film lines and then made into other flexible packaging products.

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